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Ariadne Pfad:



Relevante europäische und internationale Veranstaltungen, chronologisch geordnet. Weitere Listen mit internationalen Konferenzen befinden sich in der blauen Box (entweder rechts in der Desktopansicht oder unten in der mobilen Ansicht). Ältere Veranstaltungen und Veranstaltungen zu Deutschland finden Sie im Veranstaltungskalender des Deutschen Bildungsservers.

Beginn am 23.05.2024

For more than two decades now there has been fierce debate over the shift from the paradigm of teaching to that of learning, driven by international and supranational organisations, which have constantly promoted the idea that national education systems and institutions have to be ‘modernised’ in order to deal effectively with the challenges posed by globalisation. [...]

Beginn am 30.05.2024

Expectations concerning the potential futures of education, society and the economy play an integral role in education policy-making. One way in which future expectations are being processed and communicated in societal discussions on education policy is in the form of projections onto reference societies: education systems elsewhere are being set up either as [...]

Letzte Aktualisierung: 25.03.2020  -

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